No one has a life, a world, an existence like you. It is intensely personal. How will you create yours?
Intensely Personal takes readers through a journey of the deepest sense. Beautifully designed and charmingly illustrated it is impossible not to be inspired by this tale’s message. A simple yet endearing character, lovingly drawn. You will be magicked along with her on an adventure in search of lasting happiness – a state she learns to trust herself to stay in, despite the ‘exterior’ world and its goings on. In so doing she discovers the ultimate personal goal: to achieve happiness independent of conditions.

Effortlessly, bathed in the breath of the muse, this book brings the sacred and the earthy together. Deeply comforting, it draws light on the importance of intentions as we create in the external world, which – of course – reflects what deep down we are making of ourselves.
Behind this adorable story is an elusive truth: though we may be frequently blind to it, happiness is always residing within, awaiting our return. This graphic poem will guide you towards building up your bank account of perennial contentment within yourself and the world.

To inspire, comfort and gladden readers for a lifetime. This book is delightful: ideal for anyone on a path towards greater harmony, peace and ever deepening happiness. A perfect gift for any teenager, young adult and wise elders encountering what is vital in life.