“If we can stay with the tension of
opposites long enough—sustain it,
be true to it—we can sometimes
become vessels within wherein the
divine opposites come together and
give birth to a new reality.”

Marie-Louise von Franz

My mission is to give confidence to others to be their selves – on purpose.

Sessions evolve with the following values:

  • Creating a nourishing therapeutic bond of respect and genuine connection. It is elemental that there is a trusting, nourishing relationship between therapist and client. Feeling heard, feeling seen, feeling connection. It’s elemental.
  • Confidence consistently being given to the innate wisdom of the client. A therapist is to support a client to make their own unique decisions. Healing comes from within, not without. Aiding a client to connect with their own decision process and facilitating the ability to trust it, to have confidence in themselves and their own unique viewpoint, is a principal aim of effective therapy.As stated in this article, you can browse your selection of available deals on smartphones and top brands and explore the cell phone service plans that best suit your needs.
  • Belief by both in the process. If both therapist and client believe in the process, it gives opportunities for healthy outcomes. Therapy needs the creation of a safe space different to daily living and an environment that allows trust, helps the mind to relax and concentrate on what is at hand.

I offer private sessions in person and on-line. Sessions are safe and held with emphasis on the ‘therapeutic alliance’ – creating confidence, trust and engaging feeling between two people. Feel the confidence of being accompanied through the intensely personal.

I have a BSc in Psychology (Warwick UK) and a Masters in Jungian Psychology and Psychoanalysis (Institut de Jung, Barcelona, Spain). I combine the following techniques:

  • Talk Therapy
  • Active Imagination
  • Dream Analysis
  • EFT
  • Yoga Nidra
  • Writing Therapy
  • Exploration through creativity

The space is soft and playful so to delve within spaces that are presently holding you back. My aim is to support you in recognising and integrating all aspects of who you are, so to be able to draw on all your resources in creating and navigating your life.

  • In English and Spanish.
  • £65 per session. Concessions available.
  • For more information contact: julia.robinsong@gmail.com


Julia lives a creative and spiritual life. She does what she loves. She is on her path. She lives her own authentic life and isn’t afraid to be herself and live the way she feels. It is really inspiring. I feel when Julia listens, she hears the words and also what’s behind them. There are many things she can share about what she has lived, seen, learnt, perceived and from what she has transformed in her.
Maruta, Latvia

I felt immediately comfortable with Julia the first time we talked. It felt refreshingly safe and I felt at ease almost straight away. She is transparent and open which was apparent from the start and I could sense the honesty in her words. She even made me laugh. I felt safe in the container that she and I created together so I haven’t had to pretend on any level that I’m something I’m not. I can be curious and confused and ignorant and not feel judged. Thoughts I would never normally share flow out with Julia as if she is waiting for them. I’m growing now. I hadn’t been for a while. Sometimes we need a catalyst when we start to idle. Julia’s been a catalyst to me.
Jason, Oklahoma

Hablar de temas personales y de autoconocimiento con Julia siempre es una experiencia rica e inspiradora. Aunque ella tenga su conocimiento teórico, fruto de sus estudios de psicología y otros tantos saberes humanos, lo que de verdad me encanta es su experiencia de alma, su comprensión natural, espiritual e instintiva de las situaciones humanas. Eso es lo que, para mí, aporta significancia e importancia a nuestras conversaciones más profundas. ¡Hay que destacar también, su bien sentido de humor! Me encanta su madurez, sus consejos y su empatía.
Larissa, Brazil.


Talking about personal issues and self-knowledge with Julia is always a unique and inspiring experience. Though she has theoretical knowledge from her studies in psychology and other sources of human knowledge, what I really love is her soul experience, her natural, spiritual and instinctive understanding of human situations. This is what, for me, brings meaning and importance to our deepest conversations. She has a great sense of humour. I love her maturity, advice and empathy.
Larissa, Brazil.

Julia was the best therapist I could ask for. She helped me immensely and I still think a lot about what we talked about during therapy and just in general.
Tonijs, Latvia